PPE Required:
- Beard cover if required
- Face mask with PAPR (Powered Air Purifying Respirator) or fit-tested N95 mask
- Head cover
- Shoe cover followed by water-resistant shoe covers
- 2 HD gowns or 1 non-HD gown & HD gown overtop
- 2 pairs sterile nitrile gloves
- You must wear goggles and face shield with fit-tested N95 mask for cleaning
1) Sterile cleaning supplies must remain in the Biological Safety Cabinet. Place a plastic bag in the hood for trash.
2) Insert Easy Reach Cleaning Tool Head into the large pocket of the Easy Reach Cleaning Pad then stretch the smaller pocket of the cleaning pad over the other end of the mop head frame and release.
3) Pour some Periodox RTU onto the Easy Reach cleaning pad and re-wet as needed
4) Start at the back left corner of the HEPA Filter Grill (top of the hood working from left to right using horizontal overlapping strokes, working back to front. Make sure and even coating of solution is applied and no gap spots are missed
5) Start at the top left corner of the back wall working from left to right. Use horizontal overlapping strokes, working from top to bottom
6) Start at the top back corner of the side wall and work down using horizontal overlapping strokes, working back to front. Work around irregular surfaces such as the supply valves and outlets.
7) Pour some Peridox RTU onto a Sterile lint free towel and wipe down any irregular surfaces, including the areas around them including the bar, hooks, outlets, etc. and items on the deck (ex: Ipad, scanner). Place used wipe in the bag
8) Wipe the Front Glass Shield in the closed position, starting at the top left corner working from left to right. Use horizontal overlapping strokes, working from top to bottom.
9) Start at the back left corner of the work surface working from left to right. Use horizontal overlapping strokes, working back to front.
10) Allow surfaces cleaned with Peridox RTU to remain wet for 3 minutes.
11) Repeat steps 4,5,6,8,9,10 with Peridox RTU a 2nd time using vertical overlapping strokes. Peridox RTU must be done twice to meet the decontamination and disinfection needs.
12) Remove Easy Reach Cleaning pad and place in plastic bag.
13) Insert a new Easy Reach Cleaning pad onto the easy reach cleaning Tool, and pour some Sterile 70% Isopropyl Alcohol onto the pad, rewet as needed.
14) Repeat steps 4 thru 9 and allow surfaces to dry completely. To clean the irregular surfaces use a Sterile 70% Isopropyl Alcohol wipe.
15) Place used Easy Reach cleaning pad, used wipes, and outer gloves in the bag and place bag in chemotherapy trash can.
16) Document hood cleaning in the Pharmacy Keeper log under Daily hood cleaning Biological Safety Cabinet in the technician daily activities tile.
17) Return the sash of the Biological Safety Cabinet to its proper position for compounding
18) Remove HD gown and outer shoe covers in the HD buffer room crossing the demarcation line and place in chemotherapy trash can prior to leaving HD buffer room. If wearing PAPR, put on another pair of gloves and wipe PAPR hood cover with HD Clean Wipes then remove outer gloves, HD gown, and outer shoe covers.
19) Once inside Ante room remove other pair of gloves and wash hands, then remove rest of PPE and dispose in chemo trash. *If wearing PAPR, remove PAPR head cover then disconnect PAPR head cover from the breathing tube and place head cover in a plastic bag with your name on it for storage. Turn PAPR off and unbuckle PAPR unit from waist and place PAPR unit and breathing tube into the tote to be taken to SPD for terminal cleaning. Remove gloves and wash hands, then remove rest of PPE and dispose in chemotherapy trash can.