1) PPE Required:
- Beard cover if required
- Face mask
- If you are going to raise the BSC front shield you must wear a fit-tested N95 mask or PAPR (Powered Air Purifying Respirator)
- Head cover
- Shoe cover followed by water-resistant shoe covers
- 2 HD gowns or 1 non-HD gown & HD gown overtop
- 2 pairs sterile nitrile gloves
2) Must be cleaned inside Biological Safety Cabinet
3) Place a Sterile chemotherapy prep mat and empty bag inside the Biological Safety Cabinet and place Chemotherapy box on the mat
4) Remove any broken items and place in chemotherapy sharps container
5) Pour some Peridox RTU on a sterile non-lint wipe and wipe the inside and outside of the chemotherapy box and allow the surfaces to remain wet for 3 minutes. Rewet wipe as needed and place used wipe in bag.
6) Using a Sterile 70% Isopropyl Alcool wipe, wipe the inside and outside of the chemotherapy box and allow surfaces to dry completely.
7) Placed used wipes, chemotherapy prep mat, and outer gloves in the bag and place bag in chemotherapy trash can.
8) Return chemotherapy box to hazardous cart or keep in HD buffer room (2 boxes in each location)
9) Biological Safety Cabinet will need to be decontaminated. go back to the assistant and select cleaning *Biological Safety Cabinet"