1) Obtain the following supplies: Medi-Cup blisters, 4 zip lock bags, designated pill cutter for medication, and HD Clean Wipes
2) Don PPE: 2 pairs of XT Nitrile gloves, HD gown (chemo gown), and face mask
3) Float 1 Pharmacist will remove the tablet to split from the designated NIOSH shelf outside the MedCarousel
4) Print MILT labels
5) Place a non-sterile chemotherapy prep mat on the pharmacy counter in the compounding area
6) Split the tablet using the designated pill cutter, then place split tablet into the Medi-Cup blisters
7) Remove outer gloves and place in empty zip lock bag, then label Medi-Cup blisters and place repackaged tablets in a zip lock bag
8) Place empty tablet packaging in a zip lock bag for checking and the designated pill cutter in a zip lock bag for storage (Make sure there is a label containing the medication name on the outside of the pill cutter bag)
9) Clean the pharmacy counter with HD Clean Wipes, then place used PPE and chemotherapy prep mat in a zip lock bag for disposal in the chemotherapy trash can by the hazardous medication cart
10) Wash hands with soap and water
11) A 2nd Pharmacist will check split repackaged tablets in the MILT computer and place ordered amount in the delivery bin or cart fill bin for delivery to the nursing units. Extra split tablet should be placed in the Float Pharmacist's bin not the MedCarousel for storage.
12) Misoprostol 25 mcg and 50 mcg tablets will be place in the MedCarousel bin for storage on the designated NIOSH shelf outside the MedCarousel
13) Empty tablet packaging can be disposed in the Black Hazardous Container after checking