1) Don PPE:
- 1 pair XT nitrile gloves
- Face mask
2) Print out MILT labels and gather supplies (Non-sterile chemotherapy prep mat, MILT labels, Medi-Cup blisters, 3 Zip-lock bags, HD Clean Wipes, and 2 pair of XT Nitrile gloves)
3) Place a Non-Sterile chemotherapy prep mat on pharmacy counter. *The non-sterile chemotherapy prep mat will need to be changed with each different medication re-packaged.
4) Place tablets/ capsules in the Medi-Cup blisters with the pair of gloves you have on
5) When finished, remove gloves and place in empty zip lock bag, then put on a new pair of gloves and label Medi-Cup blisters
6) Place re-packaged tablets in a zip lock bag. Place the empty/partial fill bottle in another zip lock bag for checking.
7) Clean counter with HD clean wipes and place used PPE, wipes, chemotherapy prep mat in a zip lock bag for disposal in the chemo trash can next to the hazardous medication
8) Wash hands with soap and water.
9) Get 2nd check and have another pharmacist sign off in MILT, then placed the bag of repackaged product in the MedCarousel bin for storage on the designated NIOSH shelf outside the MedCarousel
10) Dispose of empty pill bottles in Black Hazardous Container.